I’m Don Carr. For over fifteen years, I’ve investigated and written about America’s worst polluters from the gas fields of North Dakota to the “Dead Zone” in the Gulf of Mexico. My writing has been featured in Politico, Sierra Magazine, the Huffington Post, Grist, Civil Eats and the Food and Environment Reporting Network. I also wrote about music and movies for the Washington DC City Paper for five years.

I’ve appeared on Fox News, the CBS Evening News, Bloomberg TV, and NPR. I’ve also worked for a host of national environmental groups like EWG, EDF, Earth Justice, and now the Alliance for the Great Lakes. I became interested in environmental crime when a biofuel fraud whistleblower approached me with a wild story — the owners of an Indiana biofuel plant he worked at were stealing millions from a federal renewable fuels program. For 18 months, I investigated what one EPA official called “the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the environment.”

Once my investigation was published, I immersed myself in the world of EPA special agents and environmental crime. After spending a month in southern Italy where I personally witnessed the burning of toxic waste on Mount Vesuvius by the Camorra mafia, my first novel, The Midnight Rambler, was born.

You can reach me at info@doncarrauthor.com.

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I'm the author of the eco-thriller THE MIDNIGHT RAMBLER and the upcoming LIVE GREEN OR DIE HARD.


Environmental writer and communicator and author of the eco-thriller The Midnight Rambler.